How to live a fearless life:
don’t let fear limit your happiness…
Fear will limit your actions and life
As I mentioned in earlier inspirational posts and Instagram captures I think your own thoughts can be your worst enemy. Especially negative thoughts and fear are very destructive. They will keep you from doing new things. You will miss out on great experiences, people, chances… You won’t be able to enjoy life to the fullest because fear will always limit your actions. It will hold you back. And isn’t life all about taking action, so you can evolve? What is fear after all? A formal definition I found states that “fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger. If we didn’t feel it, we couldn’t protect ourselves from legitimate threats.
What if… something bad good happens?
I changed a lot over the last years and recently I learned I’m all about taking risks in life. Life is too short to allow negative thoughts keeping you from doing or achieving great things. I refuse to let fear influence my decisions. Whether it is in actions such as climbing mountains and hiking narrow steep paths to overcome my fear of heights or in putting myself out there, being completely open and honest to other people. Letting people in, knowing I could get hurt or heartbroken. In stead of thinking “what if something bad happens?”, I started to think “what if something good happens?”. By focusing on all the possible positive outcomes, I just went for it. So what, if I fall or get hurt? I can’t predict the future, so I might as well just take the chance!
Take a risk
Being afraid of getting hurt is too easy. It will make you say “I won’t try”, “I won’t do it”. It will keep you safe and nothing in your life will change. Not in a bad way, which is good. But not in a good way either. So you’ll miss out on something that could make your life better. That’s why I will always go for it. I will never say no because of fear. And yes, I get hurt sometimes. But at least I can say I tried and I will never ask myself “What if”. By being strong and positive I’m able to get back up and move on. I refuse to let anything make me feel bad. I just take action in life to the next “risky business” excited about what could happen next.
There are always options and opportunities in life. Don’t let fear blindsight you, so you’ll miss out on them. Fear of failure will make you fail! Keep believing in yourself and don’t ever doubt yourself. You are truly great!
This is something I need to keep in mind more often. I know that fear is an obstacle to truly feeling happy, but it’s so easy for it to slip out of my mind. Thank you for the reminder.
Charmaine Ng
I refuse to let fear hold me back. When I look around I see people not taking chances and not living life to the fullest. That’s such a waste. I truly believe you should grab every opportunity in life and go for it. If it doesn’t work out, learn from it and move on. I rather regret the things I did than the things I didn’t!